

i'm a frequent visitor to the Real Simple website. they have a plethora of resources, advice, reviews, tips, etc. to make every life situation "real simple" - ha! i encourage you to browse through the site if you have a minute or two. (side note: i really would LOVE a job as a web editor for this publication. it's so up my alley.)

anyhow, i subscribe to their rss feed for daily thoughts, and similar to my affirmation cards, these thoughts provide me with little bits of inspiration, and often times motivation. today's thought is about happiness (see below).

so after reading this, i had a "ah ha" moment. and i realized that the key to my own happiness doesn't have to do with the actual events that occur in my life. obviously, i don't have a lot of control over those things. but my happiness has to do with how i approach each instance, whether it be good or bad. it's connected more to my emotional outlook life. now that's some food for thought for this rainy friday afternoon...

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